Buenas a todos!! Ella es Naku...y he aquí sus cosplays!!

"Rinoa Heartilly (FFVIII) mi primer cosplay ^.^"

Name: Loreto (es la primera vez que digo mi nombre en internet o////o!!!)
Nick: Naku, Naku H, Naku Heartilly
Nationality: Española
Birthday: 16 Octubre ^.^
Age: 20
Height: 1,70
What is your occupation?: Ahora estoy estudiando para ser profesora de niños entre 0 y 6 años… me encantan los niños y los bebes!!!
What’s your hobby? Me encantan los videojuegos, cantar (aunque no canto muy bien ^^U), manganime, dibujar, leer, perros, pingüinos… xD
Describe yourself ^9^: Me considero una persona preocupada por no molestar a la gente, por eso a veces puedo parecer timida, pero realmente soy una persona muy abierta y cuando estoy con mis amigos divertida.
No soy nada competitiva y me gusta ayudar a los demás (antes tenia serios problemas dias antes de un evento, porque tenia muchos complementos de cosplay que terminar de mis amigos… ahora soy mas precavida y , aunque me duela, tengo que decir “lo siento, no puedo ayudarte ahora mismo” ^^U
Favorite color: negro, rosa y tambien lila
Favorite food: spaguettis carbonara!!! *-* los amo de verdad!!
Favorite movie: uff … The end of Evangelion, Enchanted, Aladdin, Passion of the Christ, Die Hard, Amelié, The Princes Bride, Harry Potter, Saw, Lord of the Ring, Sin City, The Fifth Element, Jurasic Park.....
Favorite book: Harry Potter y la orden del Fénix
Favorite song: Ultimamente “kiss while your lips are still red” (Nightwish) y “Why” (Ayaka)
Favorite music/artist/band: Nightwish *love!!*
What’s your favorite subject in the school? Wow!! xD hummm creo que Historia del Arte, pero solo la di en mi ultimo año de instituto T.T
What is your favorite anime-manga character? Creo que Nana Oosaki (NANA) la admiro y a veces es como yo ^^
What was your first cosplay? Why? Rinoa Heartilly...¿¿ por qué?? Es mi personaje favorito desde la primera vez que la vi. Y mucha gente piensa que somos parecidas
When did you make your first cosplay? in 2005
What’s your favorite cosplay? ufff es una dificil decision… mmmm.. Rikku (FFx-2).
What is the most difficult thing when you’re making a cosplay? : realmente, lo mas dificil para mi es el traje, no tengo estudios de costura, lo que sé es gracias a mi madre, ella a veces me ayuda y aconseja ^^
Have you ever been (in a place that everyone goes with cosplays XD) anime events? Si, por supuesto, voy a todas las convenciones que mi dinero me permite. Pero yo soy feliz con dos o tres al año ^.^
What was your best experience wearing a cosplay? El cariño de la gente, es genial que tomen fotos y me feliciten por el resultado, sin ellos un cosplayer no es nada...
What do you feel when your cosplay is done? Lo primero, suspiro! xD “al final terminé!!” *llorando*. Luego la satisfacción de pensar lo he hecho yo, puedo decir “es mio”.
In your own words: What does mean”cosplayer”? Creo que un cosplayer es el que invierte parte de su tiempo y dinero en hacer el cosplay con sus propias manos, no eres cosplayer si el mayor porcentaje del cosplay no está hecho por ti.
Do you think that it is okay when someone hires a person in order to make a cosplay? Si, creo que esta bien, si no sabes coser y no hay tiempo para aprender no tienes otra alternativa. Pienso que hacer que otra persona te haga el cosplay, o incluso que lo compres por Ebay o paginas similares no es malo, pero si es importante que aclares que No está hecho por ti… no es justo que la gente reciba mas merito del que le corresponde.
What is your next project? Ahora estoy hacienda el cosplay de Minerva (Jefe secreto en FF7: Crisis Core).
Do you have problems with your parents when you are interested in cosplay? no no, nada, a mi madre le gusta esto...
Do your parents against your projects? Como he dicho en la anterior pregunta, a mi madre le gusta el mundo del cosplay ^^
Is it challenged for you to make cosplay with many details? Si!! Es un desafio que me gusta, ahora mismo me enfrento a un cosplay con muchos detalles y estoy muy emocionada, siempre se aprende algo nuevo.
What do you usually do at the moment to choose a character? Yo creo que para disfrutar haciendo un cosplay y luego, en una convencion debes querer al personaje, no buscar un personaje solo porque sea facil, o se parezca a ti, conocelo antes y si de verdad te gusta, haz cosplay de ese personaje.
Would you show us some of your cosplays? Por supuesto!! (si quieres ver mas fotos visita http://www.nakucosplay.blogspot.com/).
What would you do if you won an award for the best cosplay in your city? Bueno, ya he ganado varios premios, pero el mas importante para mi fue en el Salon Manga de Cadiz 2006, ganamos mis amigos y yo el concurso de cosplay (Tifa, Cloud, Loz y Aerith), en la misma convencion una foto de mi novio y mia (Cloud y Aerith) tuvo mencion especial porque fue la mas popular entre los asistentes. La verdad que fue genial ^.^
Have you ever made in group a cosplay? Why? He hecho un grupo de cosplay y varias parejas con mi novio. Cloud, Aerith, Tifa y Loz – Shin, Reira, Takumi y Nana – Squall y Rinoa – Siegfried y Taki, y próximamente Genesis y Minerva. Por qué?? Es divertido recrear escenas juntos por ejemplo...
Are you looking forward to be in the next cosplay event?? Si, si!! Realmente estoy impaciente, este año la convencion en Cadiz es en un sitio Nuevo.. y en Noviembre iré por segunda vez al Salon Manga de Barcelona, uno de los mas importantes del mundo ^0^
Is there anything else you'd like to add? Espero que no haya sido una entrevista aburrida ^^U!! Gracias por todo, estoy muy contenta, cualquier cosa que necesiteis sabeis mi e-mail. Un beso a todos los que leen esto, luchad por vuestros sueños!!!
Naku's WebSite: http://www.nakucosplay.blogspot.com/
-Name: Loreto (is the firts time that I say my real name in internet o/////o!!!!)
-Nick: Naku, Naku H, Naku Heartilly
-Nationality: Spanish
-Birthday: October 16
-Occupation: Now I’m studing to be teacher by children under 0 & 6 years… I love children and babies!!
-Hobby: I love videogames, sign (but I don’t sing very well ^^U), manganime, draw, reed, dogs, penguins… xD
-Describe yourself: I consider myself a person worried for not bothering the people, because of this, sometimes I can seem shy, but really I’m a very oponed person and , when I’m with my friends funny. I’m not a competitive at all and I like help the others (a time ago, I have had serious problems days before a cosplay event, because I had a lot of cosplay complements to make of my friends… now I’ve more caution and, though hurt me, I have to say “sorry dear, I can’t help you just now” ^^U)
-Fave Color: black, pink and lilac too.
-Favorite food: spaguettis carbonara!!! *-* los amo de verdad!! / spaghetti carbonara!!! *-* I really love it!!
-Fave movie: uff … The end of Evangelion, Enchanted, Aladdin, Passion of the Christ, Die Hard, Amelié, The Princes Bride, Harry Potter, Saw, Lord of the Ring, Sin City, The Fifth Element, Jurasic Park.....
-Fave book: Harry Potter y la orden del Fénix / Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
-Fave song: Lately “kiss while your lips are still red” (Nightwish) and “why” (Ayaka)
-Favorite music/artist/band: Nightwish *love!!*
-What’s your favorite subject in the school? Wow!! xD humm I suppose Art’s History, but I only give this in my last year of high school T.T
-What is your favorite anime-manga character? I think Nana Oosaki (NANA) I admire her and, sometimes she’s like me ^^
-What was your first cosplay? Rinoa Heartilly, why?? is my favorite character since the first time i saw. And more people think that we are similar.
-When did you make your first cosplay? in 2005
-What’s your favorite cosplay? uff is a hard decision…mmm… Rikku (FFx-2)
-What is the most difficult thing when you’re making a cosplay? really, the most difficult thing to me is the costume, I haven’t studies of seam, that I know is thanks to my mother, she sometimes help me and advise me ^^
-Have you ever been (in a place that everyone goes with cosplays XD) anime events? Yes, of course, I go to all anime events that my money makes possible. But I’m happy with two or three in year ^.^
-What was your best experience wearing a cosplay? The people love, is great that people take photos and congratulate me for the cosplay result, without they a cosplayer is nothing
-What do you feel when your cosplay is done? The first, sigh! xD “at the end I finally!!” *crying*. Then the satisfaction to think this I had make, I can say “is mine”.
-In your own words: What does mean”cosplayer”? I think that a cosplayer is the person who invert part of the time and money in make the cosplay with the own hands, you aren’t a cosplayer if the major percentage of the cosplay isn’t make by you.
-Do you think that it is okay when someone hires a person in order to make a cosplay? Yes, I think is okay, if you don’t know sew and no time to learn, you haven’t alternative. I think that hires a person in order to make a cosplay, even that you buy a cosplay in Ebay for example is not bad, but is important that you clarify the cosplay is NOT make by you… is not fear that people receive more merit that correspond
-What is your next project? Now I’m making Minerva cosplay (secret boss in FF7: Crisis Core)
-Do you have problems with your parents when you are interested in cosplay? no no, nothing, my mother like this
-Do your parents against your projects?How I say in the previous question, my mother like the cosplay world ^^
-Is it challenged for you to make cosplay with many details? Yes!! Is a challenged that I like, now I’m to face with a cosplay with many details and I so excited, always learn something new
-What do you usually do at the moment to choose a character? I think that to enjoy making cosplay and then in a convention, you must love the character , no search a character only because is easy or are based on your appearance, know it before and if you really like it, make cosplay of this character.
-Would you show us some of your cosplays? (Of course!! (if you want to see more photos visit www.nakucosplay.blogspot.com )
-What would you do if you won an award for the best cosplay in your city?
Well, I won several awards, but the most important for me was in Salon Manga of Cadiz 2006, my friends and I won the cosplay contest (Tifa, Cloud, Loz and Aerith), in the same convention a photo of my boyfriend and I (Cloud & Aerith) take a special mention because was the most popular by the assistants. The true is was really great ^.^
-Have you ever made in group a cosplay? Why? I had make a cosplay group and some couple with my boyfriend. Cloud, Aerith, Tifa and Loz – Squall and Rinoa – Siegfried and Taki, and coming soon Genesis and Minerva. Why? Is funny recreate scene together for example ^^
-Are you looking forward to be in the next cosplay event?? Yes, yes!! Really I’m looking forward, this year the Cadiz’s convention is in a new place… and in November I go to second time to Salon Manga of Barcelona, one of the most important conventions in the world ^0^
-Is there anything else you'd like to add? I hope that the interview is not bored ^^U!! thanks for all, I’m so happy, anything you need know my e-mail. Kiss to all people who read this, fight by your dreams!!
Muchas gracias por la entrevista wapa ^^, sobre todo con q rapidez la pusiste!!! espero q guste ^0^
Un besito!!
Naku!! Ahora tienes otra fan diox! Amo tus cos!!! eres excellente ^9^
muchas gracias linda ^3^
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